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Five Foods to Improve Male Incontinence

5 Foods That Will Alleviate Your Incontinence

foods that help urinary incontinence condition

1. Fruits With Low Acidity

For individuals that regularly find themselves in situations pertaining to bladder control, eating the right fruits is a must.In fact, foods that are low on the pH scale (limes, bananas, mangoes, etc.) are proven to keep the lining of the bladder calm and flexible. The problem with acidic foods is that they cause inflammation in the delicate parts of the system responsible for holding in our urine.


2. Magnesium

Magnesium has produced amazing results for patients that regularly suffer from bouts of incontinence. Having trouble with bathroom function is directly related to the strength of our nervous system. The nerves responsible for creating control in the pelvic areas become weakened as we begin to age. Magnesium-rich foods like almonds, spinach and bananas are brilliant in controlling bathroom visits. If you happen to suffer from incontinence, try these foods and see how they change your life.


3. Vitamin D and Sunshine

Receiving a healthy level of vitamin D has been repeatedly used to treat patients that deal with frequent irregularity. The next time you sit down to have a midday lunch or nutritious dinner, prepare lean fish or organic eggs. These items are lined with essential minerals, specifically vitamin D, that can assist your body and keep urinary accidents at bay. Patients may also enjoy a stroll through a park or a hike through the hillside.


4. Drink More Water... Really

drinking water helps urinary incontinence symptoms

Although increasing our water intake may seem counterproductive to the goals we're trying to reach, maintaining adequate hydration is imperative for us with incontinence. Low levels of hydration in our system can promote a rapid buildup of harmful bacteria in the bladder and urinary lining -- leading to unwanted leakage and unplanned surprises when we least expect it. Instead, adopt the mindset of drinking eight, 8-ounce glasses (64 ounces per day) of water within your waking hours.


5. Go Nuts for Nuts!

You read that title correctly -- start eating nuts! Although nuts were previously thought of as the go-to for individuals suffering with constipation, sources are now finding that fiber can assist with bladder control. Being frequently constipated is directly linked with our ability to urinate efficiently. When we begin to add healthy, organic nuts into our salads and meal preparation, we create an equilibrium in our pelvic region. The pelvis acts as the epicenter for bladder functionality and needs to be adequately looked after in patients that have incontinence.


Patients also use outside device like the Wiesner Incontinence Clamp. The clamp was specifically engineered for men to control their irregularity and give them confidence in their daily activities. Created with a sleek, comfortable design, you can't go wrong with this device! Over 10,000 men around the globe have used the clamp to regain control of their lifestyle and avoid embarrassing moments. The unit incorporates soft, malleable rubber that is placed over the glands to prevent seepage while maintaining adequate blood flow.

wiesner incontinence clamp

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